Zero Tolerence Policy

No weapons

No fighting (3 fights will lead to recommendation for expulsion)

No bullying

Threatening a teacher or adult

Sexual harassment

Firecrackers or Poppers

The San Diego Unified School District's policy specifies that students who possess a firearm, knife, explosive or any other dangerous object on campus or coming to or from school or school activities will be arrested by San Diego City School Police. The San Diego Police Department will transport the student to a juvenile detention facility or county jail. Depending on the circumstances, the students will be released to their parents or guardians at the juvenile detention facility or county jail. Along with the juvenile justice process of arrest, release, and possible detention, students will continue to be subject to school district discipline procedures. Students may not possess weapons on campus, carry them to or from school, nor bring them to school activities. All students, regardless of age or reason, who possess weapons on campus or coming to or from school or attending school activities, shall be considered for expulsion.

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