Academic Dishonesty

Acts of academic dishonesty which will not be tolerated at school are listed and defined below:

Cheating on Tests:   Any student who intentionally gives or uses external assistance relating to an examination, test, or quiz with express permission of the teacher.

Forgery:  Signing someone else's name on a document

Unauthorized collaborations:  Intentional collaboration on an assignment between a student and another person, if such collaboration isn't authorized

Plagiarish:  Any intentional use of another's ideas, words, or work, as one's own.  Plagiarism includes the unauthorized use of published materials oor work of other students

Theft or Alteration of Materials:  Any intentional and unauthorized taking concelment, or alteration of stuent, teacher, or library materials.  This includes any work on learning platforms.

 Furnishing of Unaauthorized Materials to be copied:    Any intentional unauthorized furnish of one's own idea, words, or work to another students whose purpose is to copy the work and submit it as her or his own.


     * Lowering of both academic and citizenship grade.  Parent also contacted.

     * No credit for the assignment or test

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